Boulder Amateur Radio Club BARCfest 10/02/2016

Boulder Amateur Radio Club

The BARCfest is an annual event: “Amateur Radio and Electronics Garage Sale. Lots of great treasures, especially at the BARC Juniors bargain corner!”

Location: Boulder County Fairgrounds Exhibit Building, 9595 Nelson Road, Longmont, CO (north of Hover Rd. & Nelson Rd. intersection)

Date: Sunday, October 2, 2016

Time: Doors open to the public at 8:00am. Event ends at 1:00pm.

Admission: $5.00

Talk-in frequency: 146.700 Repeater (Standard Negative Offset, No Tone)

VE Testing at 10:00a.m. See their PDF flyer for more information.

Denver Radio Club Hamfest 2016 08/21/2016 – Update!

Denver Radio Club

The Denver Radio Club Hamfest is an annual event featuring vendors, technical forums, and testing.

Location: Jefferson County Fairgrounds, 15200 West 6th Avenue, Golden, CO

Date: Sunday, August 21, 2016

Time: Doors open to the public at 8:30am. Event ends at 1:00pm.

Admission: $6.00

Talk-in frequency: 145.49- 100Hz PL and 448.625- 100 Hz. PL

VE Testing at 10:00a.m. See their website for more information.

Stop by the RMRL table and introduce yourself!

UPDATE: Turnout to the event was a bit lighter than expected, but we had three new club membership renewals and sold some items from our Swaplist.  Thank you for your continued support to the RMRL!

RMRL tables at the DRC hamfest
We had two tables at the hamfest: one for membership business and another for selling club equipment that had been donated for that purpose. Thanks for your continued support!

Pikes Peak Radio Club Hamfest 2016 07/09/2016

Pikes Peak Radio Club

The Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association Hamfest is an annual event featuring vendors, testing, and prize drawings.

Location: Lewis-Palmer High School, 1300 Higby Road, Monument, CO

Date: Saturday, July 9, 2016

Time: Doors open to the public at 8:00am. Event ends at 1:00pm.

Admission: $5.00

Talk-in frequency: 146.970- 100Hz PL OR 146.460 simplex

VE Testing at 10:00a.m. See their pdf flyer for more information.

Prizes and Drawings

Dayton Hamvention 2016

NCARC logoThe 61st annual Hamvention in Dayton, Ohio will be May 20-22nd, 2016. The Hamvention website is loaded with information including ticket purchases, accommodations, maps, event schedules, forums, live coverage information, special event stations, exhibitors, and so much more.

Location: Hara Arena, 1001 Shiloh Springs Road Dayton, OH 45415

Dates: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 20-22, 2016

Time: Flea Market opens at 8:00am every day, inside exhibitors open at 9:00am every day.  Event ends at 1:00pm on Sunday, the 22nd.

Talk-in frequencies: DARA Repeater 146.94 (-), alternate 146.91 (-). Dayton Hams also monitor 223.94 (-)and 442.1 (+). MIDCARS will again monitor and provide travel assistance on 7.258 MHz.  The Dayton gateway will be linked to D-Extra X-Reflector XRF038C during Hamvention weekend. D-Plus REF038C will also be available for the weekend. Use 446.1000 Digital Code Squelch CSQL use #13 as a D-Star simplex frequency at Hamvention®.

ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention May 2016

HamCon 2016 logo

The ARRL 2016 Rocky Mountain Division Convention (HamCon) will be at the Keystone Conference Center, May 13-15, 2016.

Location: Keystone Conference Center, Dillon, CO 80435. Special rates have been negotiated, see site for complete information.

Dates: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 13-15, 2016

Time: See the ARRL 2016 Rocky Mountain Division Convention website for complete information. Event ends at 1pm 5/15/2016.

Talk-in frequency: Colorado Connection.

Admission $25.00/$5 Youth. Technical Sessions. Exhibits. See the forum information web page for more information.

Note: This is not a hamfest or swapmeet. No used equipment sales on-site.

DX University Session

DX University logo

As a separate event (requiring separate registration) a DX University session will be held on Thursday, May 12, 2016 at the Keystone Conference Center.

Date: Thursday, May 12, 2016
Time: 1pm to 8pm.
Admission $50.00 Must register separately from the HamCon event.

LARCFest 2016 03/26/2016

LARCFest logo

The Longmont Amateur Radio Club (LARC) will be hosting LARCFest 2016 on Saturday, March 26, 2016.

Location: Boulder County Fairgrounds, inside the Exhibit Building, conveniently located at 9595 Nelson Rd, Longmont, CO 80501. See this Fairgrounds Site Map to find the Exhibit Bldg.

Date: Saturday, March 26, 2016

Time: Doors open to the public at 8:00am. Event ends at 1pm.

Talk-in frequency: 147.270 MHz (-) 100Hz tone.

Admission $5.00. Technical Sessions, door prizes, testing. See their LARCFest event web page for more information.

The Swapfest 02/07/2016

Aurora Repeater Association

The Swapfest is an annual event. This year it is co-sponsored by the Aurora Repeater Association, The Cherry Creek Young Amateur Radio Club and Rocky Mountain Ham Radio.

Location: Adams County Fairgrounds, 9755 Henderson Road, Brighton, CO

Date: Sunday, February 7, 2016

Time: Doors open to the public at 9:00am.  Event ends at 1:00pm.

Talk-in frequency: 147.15 (+) 100Hz PL

VE Testing at 10:00a.m.  See their PDF flyer for more information.

Stop by the RMRL table and introduce yourself!

First 2016 Colorado Hamfest! 01/23/2016

NCARC logo

The Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club (NCARC) will be kicking off the 2016 Colorado hamfest season with an indoor event on Saturday, January 23, 2016.

Location: Larimer County Fairgrounds, inside the Thomas M. McKee 4-H, Youth & Community Building, conveniently located just north of US-34 on I-25

Date: Saturday, January 23, 2016

Time: Doors open to the public at 8:30am.  Event ends at 1pm.

Talk-in frequency:  448.025 MHz (-) 100Hz tone.

With room for more than 100 vendors and distributors, this should be a good event.  See their hamfest event web page and PDF event flyer for more information.

Stop by the RMRL table and introduce yourself!

RMRL Holiday Dinner 12/09/2015 (Updated 12/10/2015)

The annual RMRL holiday dinner will be held Wednesday, December 9, 2015 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. The location is the Country Buffet restaurant, 301 Englewood Parkway in Englewood. It is northwest of the intersection of Broadway and Hampden.

When you arrive at the restaurant, pay for your party individually and tell the cashier you are with the RMRL group. We will meet in the group room (northeast corner of the restaurant). Prices are $11.99 (adults) or $11.49 (seniors 60+) for all you can eat.

The prices do not include tax. Unlimited beverages are an additional $2.49 if you want them. There is also special pricing for kids 11 and under. Watch the Denver Post for discount coupons.

We will hear from the officers about the state of the club, recognize this year’s volunteers, elect officers for next year, and draw for a few prizes. Hope to see you there!

As promised, the party was worth attending: it is always great to put faces with call signs and greet old friends. We learned that Terry Hill, N0PQV, resigned as Vice President/Secretary to devote more time to his first love: IRLP, but, Dunnigan Macilwaine, K1DUN, was prepared to step into the role.  Thank you to Terry for your service and thank you to Dunnigan for taking on this new role!

Glenn speaking on a review of club actions and activities in 2015
Glenn giving the “State of the Club” address at the 2015 Holiday Party

SKYWARN Recognition Day 12/05/2015


The volunteer SKYWARN program comprises nearly 290,000 trained severe weather spotters — many of them radio amateurs — who identify severe storms and provide NWS forecasters with reports of local weather conditions during severe weather events.

SKYWARN Recognition Day, an on-air event, pays tribute to Amateur Radio operators for the vital public service they perform. Cosponsored by ARRL and the National Weather Service, this years’ Recognition day will take place on Saturday, December 5, 2015 from 0000 UTC to 2400 UTC. Registration is now open for stations planning to participate from a National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Office; a list of NWS participating offices is on the NWS SKYWARN Recognition Day web page.

During the 24-hour event, Amateur Radio operators set up at NWS offices and contact other hams across the country. This event is also aimed at strengthening the bond between Amateur Radio operators and local NWS offices. SKYWARN Recognition Day is not a contest.


During SKYWARN Recognition Day amateur stations exchange contact information with as many National Weather Service-based stations as possible on SSB, FM, CW, RTTY, and AM on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, and 2 meter bands plus 70 centimeters. Repeater contacts are permitted. Stations exchange call signs, signal reports, location, and a one or two-word description of the weather (e.g., sunny, partly cloudy, windy, rainy). Procedures are detailed on the NOAA SRD web page.

To learn more, visit the SKYWARN Recognition Day website. http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mtr/hamradio/