Join us December 9, 2024 at 8:30 PM MST on the 146.94, 449.45, and 449.825 repeaters for the 2024 RMRL annual business meeting. There will be a review of club activities over the past year, technical and membership updates, volunteer recognition, and election of officers for 2025. This is your chance to ask questions about and provide input to the operation of your club. Hope to hear you on the 9th!
RMRL 2024 Holiday Schedule
There will be no Rocky Mountain Radio League Net on the following U.S. Federally observed holidays in 2024:
- Monday, January 1st, New Year’s Day
- Monday, January 15th, Martin Luther King Day
- Monday, February 19th, Presidents’ Day
- Monday, May 27th, Memorial Day
- Monday, September 2nd, Labor Day
- Monday, October 14th, Columbus Day
- Monday, November 11th, Veterans Day
RMRL 2023 On The Air Holiday Event
Join us December 11, 2023 at 8:30 PM MST on the 146.94, 449.45, and 449.825 repeaters for the 2023 RMRL on the air holiday event! There will be a review of club activities over the past year, technical and membership updates, volunteer recognition, and election of officers for 2024. Also back by popular demand will be a trivia contest with prizes. Hope to hear you on the 11th!
RMRL 2023 Holiday Net Schedule
There will be no Rocky Mountain Radio League Net on the following U.S. Federally observed holidays in 2023:
- Monday, January 2nd, New Year’s Day (observed)
- Monday, January 16th, Martin Luther King Day
- Monday, February 20th, Presidents’ Day
- Monday, May 29th, Memorial Day
- Monday, June 19th, Juneteenth (observed)
- Monday, September 4th, Labor Day
- Monday, October 9th, Columbus Day
- Monday, December 25th, Christmas Day
Boulder Amateur Radio Club BARCfest 10/02/2022
The BARCfest is an annual event: “Amateur Radio and Electronics Garage Sale. Lots of great treasures, especially at the BARC Juniors bargain corner!”
Location: Boulder County Fairgrounds Exhibit Building, 9595 Nelson Road, Longmont, CO (north of Hover Rd. & Nelson Rd. intersection)
Date: Sunday, October 2, 2022
Time: Doors open to the public at 8:00am. Event ends at 1:00pm.
Admission: $5.00
Talk-in frequency: 146.700 Repeater (Standard Negative Offset, No Tone)
VE Testing at 10:00a.m. See their PDF flyer for more information.
ARRL Rocky Mountain Division HamCon October 2022
The ARRL 2022 Rocky Mountain Division Convention (HamCon) will be at Cheyenne, Wyoming – Events Center at Archer, 3801 Archer Parkway, Cheyenne, Wyoming, October 7-9, 2022.
Location: Event Center at Archer, 3801 Archer Parkway, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009.
The Holiday Inn Express off of I-25N and Lincolnway exit is the official hotel of the 2022 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention. Special rates have been negotiated, see site for details.
Dates: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 7-9, 2022.
Time: See the Program Information on the ARRL 2022 Rocky Mountain Division Convention website for complete information.
Admission: Early registration $12 per adult and $3 per child. Technical Sessions. Exhibits. See the web site for more information.
SKYWARN Spotter Training Classes
See the National Weather Service Spotter Training Schedule for the State of Colorado.
Updated: How to sound like a Pro when operating on a repeater
New and improved! How to sound like a pro when operating on a repeater and the companion guide: How to Participate in a Net like a Pro!
How to sound like a pro when operating on a repeater was written in an effort to help Elmer newly-licensed hams (and those who may or may not have a CB background) on common conventions used when operating on repeaters. None of us are perfect and even long-time hams slip up now and then, but we hope that this guide will help you sound like a pro when operating on repeaters.
The guide provides positive guidelines, and lays out common nomenclature used by convention on repeaters. There are no hard and fast rules. Your ham license won’t be revoked, no one is going to laugh and point, but you are more likely to get a positive response when you sound like you know the lingo and use it appropriately.
See the companion document: How to Participate in a Net like a Pro!
RMRL 2022 Holiday Schedule
There will be no Rocky Mountain Radio League Net on the following U.S. Federally observed holidays in 2022:
- Monday, January 17th, Martin Luther King Day
- Monday, February 21st, Presidents’ Day
- Monday, May 30th, Memorial Day
- Monday, June 20th, Juneteenth (observed)
- Monday, July 4th, Independence Day
- Monday, September 5th, Labor Day
- Monday, October 10th, Columbus Day
- Monday, December 26th, Christmas Day (observed)
(Note that Monday, January 2nd, 2023, is the Federal observation of the New Year’s Holiday and there will be no net that night.)
Denver Radio Club Hamfest 2022 – 08/28/2022
The Denver Radio Club Hamfest is an annual event featuring vendors, technical forums, and testing.
Location: Adams County Fairgrounds, 9755 Henderson Road, Brighton, CO 80601
Date: Sunday, August 28, 2022
Time: Doors open to the public at 9:00am. Event ends at 1:00pm.
Admission: $6.00. (Children under 13 are free with a paid adult). Exact change is appreciated!
Talk-in frequency: 145.49- 100Hz PL and 448.625- 100 Hz. PL
VE Testing at 10:00a.m. See their website for more information.