The 61st annual Hamvention in Dayton, Ohio will be May 20-22nd, 2016. The Hamvention website is loaded with information including ticket purchases, accommodations, maps, event schedules, forums, live coverage information, special event stations, exhibitors, and so much more.
Location: Hara Arena, 1001 Shiloh Springs Road Dayton, OH 45415
Dates: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, May 20-22, 2016
Time: Flea Market opens at 8:00am every day, inside exhibitors open at 9:00am every day. Event ends at 1:00pm on Sunday, the 22nd.
Talk-in frequencies: DARA Repeater 146.94 (-), alternate 146.91 (-). Dayton Hams also monitor 223.94 (-)and 442.1 (+). MIDCARS will again monitor and provide travel assistance on 7.258 MHz. The Dayton gateway will be linked to D-Extra X-Reflector XRF038C during Hamvention weekend. D-Plus REF038C will also be available for the weekend. Use 446.1000 Digital Code Squelch CSQL use #13 as a D-Star simplex frequency at Hamvention®.