The annual RMRL holiday dinner will be held Wednesday, December 9, 2015 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. The location is the Country Buffet restaurant, 301 Englewood Parkway in Englewood. It is northwest of the intersection of Broadway and Hampden.
When you arrive at the restaurant, pay for your party individually and tell the cashier you are with the RMRL group. We will meet in the group room (northeast corner of the restaurant). Prices are $11.99 (adults) or $11.49 (seniors 60+) for all you can eat.
The prices do not include tax. Unlimited beverages are an additional $2.49 if you want them. There is also special pricing for kids 11 and under. Watch the Denver Post for discount coupons.
We will hear from the officers about the state of the club, recognize this year’s volunteers, elect officers for next year, and draw for a few prizes. Hope to see you there!
As promised, the party was worth attending: it is always great to put faces with call signs and greet old friends. We learned that Terry Hill, N0PQV, resigned as Vice President/Secretary to devote more time to his first love: IRLP, but, Dunnigan Macilwaine, K1DUN, was prepared to step into the role. Thank you to Terry for your service and thank you to Dunnigan for taking on this new role!