RMRL Holiday Event 12/6/2021 (Updated 12/14/2021)

Our 2021 Holiday event was well “attended” with plenty of check-ins. Congratulations to our Trivia Contest winners! They were as follows:

Beau, W5NJR
Chris, KD0DUJ
Mike, KA6YFB
Jim, N0TRP
Luke, AD0KI
Chris, N0NDF
Eric, AK0EL
Jonathan, KE0SUM

Also, congratulations to our “Decorate Your Shack” contest winner, Kevin, KD0VHD.

KD0VHD was the winner of the 2021 RMRL Holiday Event Photo contest
KD0VHD was the winner of the 2021 RMRL Holiday Event Photo contest for the best decorated shack. Congratulations, Kevin! Kevin’s “shack” is a converted closet in his RV. Constructed while “on the road,” it now has over 17,000 miles. If Kevin’s name and call sign sound familiar, they should. He is an award-winning photographer who generously contributed two of his photographs for use on the RMRL website. The first is the panoramic view of Denver and the second is the sunburst through the repeaters located on Mount Mesta’ėhehe (formerly known as Squaw Mountain), both of which can be seen on the home page. (If you want prints of Kevin’s work, contact him directly.)
2021 RMRL Holiday Event
Don’t miss the 2021 Rocky Mountain Radio League Holiday Event from the privacy of your own home! Trivia, decorating contest, and prizes!

The officers of the club were re-elected (there were no challengers.)


Our second Radio Holiday Event! Join us from the comfort of your own home and enjoy the festivities.

Date: December 6, 2021
Time: Usual net time 2030 (8:30 PM)
Frequencies: 146.94-, 449.450-, and 449.825- (PL 103.5)

There is no excuse not to participate. Even if the roads are bad or the weather is cold, curl up with your pets and/or a beverage of your choice and enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow RMRL members as we celebrate another year of great radio.

New this year! Decorate your “shack” contest. Whether you have a handheld or an entire “shack”, let’s see your best holiday decorations. Whatever your holiday beliefs, spread the cheer and get creative with your best decorations: tinsel, lights, garlands, and/or Menorah. Get as creative as you can. A $10 gift card will be awarded for the best decorated radio/shack. Send in your photos BY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3RD FOR ENTRY INTO THE CONTEST so the results can be announced the night of the Holiday Event (December 6th).

Send your best photo (multiple photos okay) to  .

Example photos:

2021 RMRL Holiday Event Photo contest example 2
Win a prize for the best decorated shack!
2021 RMRL Holiday Event Photo contest example 1
2021 RMRL Holiday Event Photo contest example 3 Decorate!

Our agenda is as follows:

• Welcome and normal net preamble (stop before calling on officers) – KB0PHD

• Check Ins – KB0PHD

• President’s Message/Q&A – K1DUN

• Technical Update/Q&A – KI0GO

• Election of Officers – KB0PHD

• Volunteer Recognition – KD0AOE

• Trivia Contest – WT0C

• Wrap Up and Holiday Wishes – K1DUN

RMRL 2021 Holiday Schedule

There will be no Rocky Mountain Radio League Net on the following U.S. Federally observed holidays in 2021:

  • Monday, January 18th, Martin Luther King Day
  • Monday, February 15th, Presidents’ Day
  • Monday, May 31st, Memorial Day
  • Monday, July 5th, Independence Day (observed)
  • Monday, September 6th, Labor Day
  • Monday, October 11th, Columbus Day

RMRL Holiday Event 12/14/2020

2020 RMRL Holiday Event
Don’t miss the 2020 Rocky Mountain Radio League Holiday Event from the privacy of your own home! Trivia and Prizes!

Our first ever Radio Holiday Event! Join us from the comfort of your own home and enjoy the festivities.

Date: December 14, 2020
Time: Usual net time 2030 (8:30 PM)
Frequencies: 146.94-, 449.450-, and 449.825- (PL 103.5)

There is no excuse not to participate. Even if the roads are bad or the weather is cold, curl up with your pets and/or a beverage of your choice and enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow RMRL members as we celebrate another year of great radio.

Our agenda is as follows:

• Welcome and normal net preamble (stop before calling on officers) – KB0PHD

• Check Ins – KB0PHD

• President’s Message/Q&A – K1DUN

• Technical Update/Q&A – KI0GO

• Election of Officers – KB0PHD

• Volunteer Recognition – KD0AOE

• Trivia Contest – WT0C

• Wrap Up and Holiday Wishes – K1DUN

The 449.825 Repeater is on the air!

The 449.825 is up!

From our President, Dunnigan Macilwaine, K1DUN

With great relief and appreciation, I am pleased to announce that the 449.825 is on the air once again. As always it is linked full-time to the 146.940. I can’t say enough to express my gratitude to Mike Kionka, our Chief Technical Officer, for making this possible. I also want to thank Richard Shaw and his son for providing safe storage for the repeater during the long interim. Then I want to thank Cliff Holloway and Ian MacIlwaine for their hands-on help with the painstaking re-installation. Cliff was also indispensable in getting us access to the repeater site. You all exemplify the spirit of RMRL and ham radio so well! I salute you!

Getting the 449.825 back on the air
Chief Technical Officer Mike Kionka
It was a team effort to get the repeater back on the air.

Win a FREE membership to the Rocky Mountain Radio League!

Win a free membership to the RMRL
Win a FREE membership to the Rocky Mountain Radio League!
Win a FREE membership to the Rocky Mountain Radio League!

How? Simply check in to every RMRL Monday night net between January 27th and June 16th, 2020. A couple of nice people bought three (3) RMRL memberships to give away, so you have an excellent chance of winning.
Make that five (5) memberships! Another generous member has stepped forward to contribute two more memberships to the great giveaway!

If you have an otherwise perfect record but miss a check-in because your hamster set your hair on fire and you have to go to the ER that night, proper consideration will be given to your circumstances. (Doctor’s note required.)

Seriously, you can keep your free membership or gift it to someone else, so it’s worth your while to check-in every week! The membership will be tacked onto your existing membership, so you won’t forfeit any time you have already paid for.

Winners will be announced June 29th.

YOU could be the next lucky winner!

Start a new net on the RMRL!

What a great time to start a net! Maybe you want to start a net for the short term (a couple of months) or you have been thinking about a net for the long term. Either way, we’ve got you covered.

Topic? We will entertain most ideas (except politics and religion). Maybe you would like to review entertainment options or share exotic recipes. Maybe you want to talk motorcycles or the best takeout delivery options.

We can help with a Net Script and give you tips on running a successful net.

Please contact us at .

LARCFest 2020 Cancelled

LARCFest Longmont hamfest


The Longmont Amateur Radio Club (LARC) will be hosting LARCFest 2019 on Saturday, April 4, 2020.

Added attraction: Flea market and special hands-on for the kids and kids at heart.

Location: Boulder County Fairgrounds, inside the Exhibit Building, conveniently located at 9595 Nelson Rd, Longmont, CO 80501. See this Fairgrounds Site Map to find the Exhibit Bldg.

Date: Saturday, April 4, 2020

Time: Doors open to the public at 8:00am. Event ends at 2pm.

Talk-in frequency: 147.270 MHz (-) 100Hz tone.

Admission $5.00. (Under 12, free) Technical Sessions, door prizes, testing. See their LARCFest event web page for more information.

RMRL 2020 Holiday Schedule

There will be no Rocky Mountain Radio League Net on the following U.S. Federal holidays in 2020:

  • Monday, January 20th, Martin Luther King Day
  • Monday, February 17th, Presidents’ Day
  • Monday, May 25th, Memorial Day
  • Monday, September 7th, Labor Day
  • Monday, October 12th, Columbus Day

RMRL Holiday Dinner 12/11/2019 – Updated 1/11/2020


We had a great time! We always enjoy seeing familiar faces that we talk to regularly and meeting new people. The festivities included everyone selecting little presents that “Santa Joe” brought. A couple of lucky people were winners of the 900MHz radios that were donated by Society of Broadcast Engineer’s Jack Roland and brought in person by Skyler. The grand prize winner was our own Net Control Operator, Bruce, who won an AnyTone radio, donated by a generous person who wishes to remain anonymous.

The evening was capped off by our guest speakers, Trish, K9FOG, and Brian, K9ATK, each talking about their respective experiences and nets on the RMRL. Trish started the YL Family Net (great for ALL members of the family) and Brian is a co-host of the Pet Net (along with Becky, KD0AOE.)

A special guest, Thunder, attended in an ambassadorial capacity.

If you missed it this year, we hope you can join us next year!

RMRL 1999 Christmas Party
RMRL members and friends gather for holiday fun and festivities. December 2019.

Mike and Dunnigan Joe and Mimi
Photo left: Chief Technical Officer Mike and President Dunnigan
Photo right: Treasurer Joe and wife Mimi

Senior Net Control Operator and wife Allyson; James and Skyler
Photo left: Senior Net Control Operator Bruce and wife Allyson
Photo right: James and Skyler

Trish, Thunder, and Brian
Guest speakers: Trish and Brian with guest ambassador Thunder

Thanks to Bruce, KB0PHD, for the photographs.

Original Post:

The annual RMRL holiday dinner will be held Wednesday, December 11, 2019 from 6:00 PM to about 8:30-9:00 PM. The location is the Golden Corral buffet restaurant, 3677 S. Santa Fe Drive in Sheridan (west side of Santa Fe immediately south of Hampden).

People can start eating around 6, we will take care of club business about 7, then Santa Joe will make sure everyone receives a gift! That will be followed by a presentation.

The evening will end with a drawing for a special grand prize gift. Must be a member in good standing (dues paid) and present to win! The special gift is courtesy of a generous donor. (Thank you!)

When you arrive at the restaurant, pay for your party individually and tell the cashier you are with the RMRL group. We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Prices (exclusive of tax. Drinks are $2.79 extra for adults/seniors if you want them. The kid prices include a drink):
Adults: $14.99
Seniors 60+: $13.99
Kids 4 to 8: $5.99
Kids 9 to 12: $6.99

Winter 2020 Hamfest – 01/18/2020

Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club

The Winter Hamfest is an annual event sponsored by the Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club.

Location: The Ranch, Larimer County Fairgrounds, Thomas McKee 4H Building. Loveland, CO. To reach The Ranch, exit I-25 at Crossroads Blvd., Exit 259. Travel East 1 mile to Fairgrounds Avenue (County Road 5) and go North to the entrance.

Date: Saturday, January 18, 2020

Time: Doors open to the public at 8:00am.  Event ends at 1:00pm.

Admission: $6.00.

Talk-in frequency: 448.025 (-) 100Hz PL

VE Testing at 9:30a.m.  See their PDF flyer for more information.