Our 2021 Holiday event was well “attended” with plenty of check-ins. Congratulations to our Trivia Contest winners! They were as follows:
Beau, W5NJR
Chris, KD0DUJ
Mike, KA6YFB
Jim, N0TRP
Luke, AD0KI
Chris, N0NDF
Eric, AK0EL
Jonathan, KE0SUM
Also, congratulations to our “Decorate Your Shack” contest winner, Kevin, KD0VHD.

The officers of the club were re-elected (there were no challengers.)
Our second Radio Holiday Event! Join us from the comfort of your own home and enjoy the festivities.
Date: December 6, 2021
Time: Usual net time 2030 (8:30 PM)
Frequencies: 146.94-, 449.450-, and 449.825- (PL 103.5)
There is no excuse not to participate. Even if the roads are bad or the weather is cold, curl up with your pets and/or a beverage of your choice and enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow RMRL members as we celebrate another year of great radio.
New this year! Decorate your “shack” contest. Whether you have a handheld or an entire “shack”, let’s see your best holiday decorations. Whatever your holiday beliefs, spread the cheer and get creative with your best decorations: tinsel, lights, garlands, and/or Menorah. Get as creative as you can. A $10 gift card will be awarded for the best decorated radio/shack. Send in your photos BY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3RD FOR ENTRY INTO THE CONTEST so the results can be announced the night of the Holiday Event (December 6th).
Send your best photo (multiple photos okay) to .
Example photos:

Our agenda is as follows:
• Welcome and normal net preamble (stop before calling on officers) – KB0PHD
• Check Ins – KB0PHD
• President’s Message/Q&A – K1DUN
• Technical Update/Q&A – KI0GO
• Election of Officers – KB0PHD
• Volunteer Recognition – KD0AOE
• Trivia Contest – WT0C
• Wrap Up and Holiday Wishes – K1DUN