We had a great time! We always enjoy seeing familiar faces that we talk to regularly and meeting new people. The festivities included everyone selecting little presents that “Santa Joe” brought. A couple of lucky people were winners of the 900MHz radios that were donated by Society of Broadcast Engineer’s Jack Roland and brought in person by Skyler. The grand prize winner was our own Net Control Operator, Bruce, who won an AnyTone radio, donated by a generous person who wishes to remain anonymous.
The evening was capped off by our guest speakers, Trish, K9FOG, and Brian, K9ATK, each talking about their respective experiences and nets on the RMRL. Trish started the YL Family Net (great for ALL members of the family) and Brian is a co-host of the Pet Net (along with Becky, KD0AOE.)
A special guest, Thunder, attended in an ambassadorial capacity.
If you missed it this year, we hope you can join us next year!
Photo right: Treasurer Joe and wife Mimi
Photo right: James and Skyler
Thanks to Bruce, KB0PHD, for the photographs.
Original Post:
The annual RMRL holiday dinner will be held Wednesday, December 11, 2019 from 6:00 PM to about 8:30-9:00 PM. The location is the Golden Corral buffet restaurant, 3677 S. Santa Fe Drive in Sheridan (west side of Santa Fe immediately south of Hampden).
People can start eating around 6, we will take care of club business about 7, then Santa Joe will make sure everyone receives a gift! That will be followed by a presentation.
The evening will end with a drawing for a special grand prize gift. Must be a member in good standing (dues paid) and present to win! The special gift is courtesy of a generous donor. (Thank you!)
When you arrive at the restaurant, pay for your party individually and tell the cashier you are with the RMRL group. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
Prices (exclusive of tax. Drinks are $2.79 extra for adults/seniors if you want them. The kid prices include a drink):
Adults: $14.99
Seniors 60+: $13.99
Kids 4 to 8: $5.99
Kids 9 to 12: $6.99