The Society of Broadcast Engineers has an updated net notice as follows:
SBE VHF/UHF Chapter 73’ of the Air HAMnet Broadcast Engineering and Amateur Radio Net
The SBE Chapter 73 of the air UHF/VHF Hamnet is (Monday) at 9 p.m. ET, (7pm MTN ) worldwide via Echolink KG0SKY-L, node 985839 (available via computer and radio), Allstar node 46079, DMR Talkgroup 310847, you can join us via Yaesu FUSION SYSTEM “YSF55411 “Skyhub SBE LINK – SBE Linkup” Try it with your hotspot. We are also on the WiresX room “SBENETCOM” node 46361, locally the 448.350 Fusion repeater. The SBE UHF/VHF Hamnet is based in Denver on 449.450, pl 103.5, and 448.975, pl 123.0. Soon 449.625 returns via ALLSTAR.
You can listen on the LIVE STREAM thru Broadcastify at:
We hope you’ll join us.
See the latest edition of “The KE0VH Hamshack” for more information at