Winter Repeater Repair on the IRLP and Echo Link nodes

Winter repeater repairs start with a truck and snowmobiles.

It takes more than an arctic cold front and over a foot of unplowed snow to sideline the dedicated hams of the Rocky Mountain Radio League. The IRLP and Echo Link nodes on the .340 repeater malfunctioned, requiring a visit to the repeater site to repair.

Mike Kionka, KI0GO, provided the truck, snowmobiles, and skilled driving talent to negotiate the dangerous roads to the repeater site. He was accompanied by Dunnigan, K1DUN, (acting President). Of course the repairs had to be tested and Tim Banks, KE4GUQ, stayed by his radio to help complete the task.

Although they make a great team, we hope they won’t have to make the trip again this winter. Be sure to thank them the next time you hear them on the air!


Now that’s dedication!
Mike, KI0GO, makes the necessary repairs.